Thursday, November 10, 2011

Light of Luna

They say two's a company and three's a crowd. But this trio that is Light of Luna is more than just a crowd--they are a monumental edifice that stands tall and strong amidst the threats of metaphorical, insofar as numerical, insufficiency. Their music is made up of a whole lot of meaningful and experiential substance that only the three of them could possibly muster up on and off the stage within the constructs of contrasts between darkness and light, hence their name and music. They bring to the present each of their influences of old like Tool, Muse, and God Is An Astronaut, just to name a few. But they are and always will be different, always bringing something fresh, authentic and heart-felt, which is something that is--by principle--warming and welcoming to the ears of a soul wandering through darkness and light.

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